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Whole Brain Learning

Let's expand on left and right brain learning.

Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of
the two styles of thinking. A rare few are more whole-
brained and equally good at both modes.

It is essential to use both sides of the brain when
studying. What do I mean? Let's look at an area where
most children struggle with: memorization.

Most children memorise by using rote learning or
repetition. This does nothing to engage the right brain
at all.

Instead, memorizing is best done through the use of images
and creativity to link the images together.
(I will talk more about this memory technique in a future article.)

In this way, it is possible to make use of the right
brain even when dealing with a "left brained" subject.

Some skills are better handled by one side of the brain
and vice versa. When your children are able to coordinate
both sides of the brain at will, it is the key to superior
intellectual abilities.

Read on:

=> Mental Fitness

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